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Sarah Jones MP calls for expansion of the ULEZ scrappage scheme

Air pollution is a real concern in London. I support the principles of the ULEZ and welcome the Mayor’s scrappage scheme, but worry that constituents on low incomes and with small businesses will be impacted.

I’m calling on the Mayor to expand the scheme. You can read my letter here: 

Dear Mayor,

I am very proud to represent Croydon Central and its people in Parliament, and I write to you on their behalf regarding the Ultra Low Emission Zone scrappage scheme.

My constituents in our outer London borough travel around London for many reasons – to work, shop, eat out and visit friends and family. It is welcome that nine in ten cars seen in outer London are already ULEZ compliant and do not have to pay for the Ultra Low Emission Zone charge, but for those who do not, the scrappage scheme is essential.

The Government has given many cities around the country significant pots of money for scrappage schemes; for example, Birmingham has received £38m, Bristol has received £42m, and Bradford has received £30m. It is strange that the Government has so far refused to provide any money towards supporting or supplementing your £110m scrappage scheme. I have written to the Government on this already and will continue to lobby them to provide money for London.

I have many constituents who understand the motivations behind the ULEZ and share your commitment to clean air in London. However, since the announced expansion of the zone to the whole of Greater London, I have been contacted by many constituents who rely on their cars for work and other activities but do not meet the scrappage scheme criteria. Those constituents, I know, will be in difficulty without support. To give some examples, I’ve heard from constituents who are disabled, act as carers, and own small businesses. They will really struggle to replace or be without their non-compliant cars.

As you’ll know, I have contacted you already asking for additional support for my constituents, and once again I write to you to ask you to consider reviewing your scrappage scheme with the view to providing additional support for families and small businesses.

I know many Londoners understand the importance of clean air and support your intention behind the ULEZ scheme, but who are struggling at present – in large part due to the Conservative cost of living crisis.

I hope you will consider my request and I look forward to hearing from you.

With best wishes,

Sarah Jones MP


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